The Art and Science of Healing

Copy of How Acupuncture Works

What Can Acupuncture Treat


What can Acupuncture treat?

Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that has been evaluating, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of health conditions for thousands of years, from internal medicine issues like sleep and digestion, to gynecology, orthopedic pain, cardiovascular, immune and nervous system disorders - because all the systems of the body are interconnected.  While often used to rectify disease, it can also be used to enhance wellness - immune, general organ functions, female fertility, as well as connect us to our highest potential.  Acupuncture is effective solution-focused healthcare that treats the root issue, while also providing symptomatic relief.

Pain and Musculoskeletal issues - Reproductive and fertility issues - Recovery and rehabilitation after a major physiological disruption - Stress-related and psychosomatic disorders - Functional Disorders/ “trashbag diagnoses”: Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, IBS - Neurological issues: stroke recovery - Immune: auto-immune, chronic immune deficiencies, allergies - Acute infections: UTIs, colds and flus - Trauma, PTSD, Addiction - Prevention and Maintenance

Physical Axis

Anywhere there is stagnation, there is pain.” Chinese Medicine excels in orthopedic pain - from acute to chronic injuries, to mystery pain without a known origin, to headaches. We trace it back to its source to unblock obstruction that has prevented Qi and blood access to heal an area. Whether you want to accelerate healing, regain mobility, or understand your underlying weakness in an area and how to strengthen it, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can radically help.

Emotional Axis

Our emotions course through our bodies and affect us physically and vice versa - emotional stagnation, worry, or any overly strong or enduring emotions can cause physical disharmony or disease, and vice versa. The physical and the emotional are inevitably intertwined. Chinese Medicine can help you to untangle, identify, and reroute stuck emotionally somatised pattern(s) that are affecting your sleep, digestion, immunity, and general wellness.

Spiritual axis

When we’re spiritually out of alignment, we have difficulty connecting with ourselves and knowing what’s important and authentic for us. Often it stems from residual trauma and will affect the other aspects of our being - mental-emotional and physical. This is the deepest level of our being and healing.

Learn to understand your body’s language -

What is your body trying to tell you with pain?

acupuncture, health, healing, holistic medicine

Within my body are all the sacred places of the world. And the most profound pilgrimage I can ever make is within my own body.
