The Art and Science of Healing

Community Qigong class!

Community Offerings


An Energy Cultivation Practice:QiGong!

Spirals pack and store the most energy in the most condensed form, from DNA to a hawk's predatory descent, to a pincone

Saturday Mornings Qigong at Ahimsa Yoga: January 21st - February 18th, 2023

Embodied movement for self-healing and transformation

11-12:15 PM

Spirals are the living blueprint for much of life on earth, by storing and packing an enormous amount of energy in coils. Spiral movements are the most efficient way to oxygenate a system. Each class’s material will build on the last class. Register for 5 classes and come to the 5th class for free!

Register Here!

QiGong refers to a variety of healing exercises that have evolved for some 5,000 years. They are meditative, restorative, and integrative exercises that strengthen joints, muscles, tendons, bones, and the core, while opening up places of obstruction throughout the body with gentle connective movements. We will be practicing Silk Reeling Spiral Power Qigong, where we will learn how to use the dynamism of the spiral to open up areas of stagnation, ground, recharge and deeply store our energy, as well as tune into the frequency of life. DNA, hurricanes, flower whorls, elephant tusks, and galaxies all use the dynamic power of the spiral to power and growth. The spiral is composed of the Golden Ratio: 1.618, which is the organizing shape in nature. Silk Reeling Spiral Power Qigong is a set of exercises derived from movements in the Chen Taiji form. This class is intended for beginners to relax, balance your energy, develop physical strength, and move through the world with more ease, as well as lay a foundation in root building, stances, and footwork for developing your internal energy pathways. It's also good for athletes wanting to develop the finer connective tissue fluidity for whole body power. This class will support the development of your own grounding, connecting and self-healing practices. By helping to grow our connection to ourselves, we grow the root of wellness - our deepest sense of belonging, empowerment, and inner peace.

Ecstatic motion.png

You are the Universe in ecstatic motion!


Jeri Ching-I Ho is a Chinese Martial Artist. She first encountered martial arts through her Chen Style Taichi teacher, Cui Yan, in 2008, while seeking a practice that quieted a restless Spirit, strengthened a distracted mind, and helped build gentle power through strength and relaxation at the same time. It is through her daily Taichi or Qigong practice that she feels most connected to life, her heart, and the immensity of our innate ability to heal. Over years of cultivating a stillness within through internal martial arts she began encountering something latent in the bedrock of her consciousness - the loving interconnectedness in all of life. While those moments are fleeting, the medicine in those moments suffuses her world with more light and compassion!

Qigong Denver